Finding the time to write can be incredibly difficult. Very few authors are making big bucks and are able to quit their day jobs to do this full time, so you’re writing time is going to have to work around all of the other things you do with your day.
We live in, essentially, the best and the worst possible time to begin a writing career. There are more authors, self-published and otherwise, out in the world than ever before, and more people are competing for a reader’s time than you might have experienced even as few as five years ago.
Paperbacks offer a level of legitimacy for an author that you simply can’t replace with anything else. You can’t sign an ebook (well, you can with certain online systems and gimmicks, but they don’t compare to the real thing)
If you want to write a story about zombie dragons battling against demonic turtles for the fate of some distant planet called Averstine, you can and no one can stop you. This is your creation and you are only limited by your own imagination.
11 min read
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